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Why is your bed an important and strategic place for you? A bed is a piece of furniture that is used as a place to sleep, relax, or engage in different activities.

Different Activities occur on the bed. Lives and destinies can be created and destroyed on the bed. The question is, do you know the importance of the bed when you lay on it? The bed can be a battleground for attacks or a place of revelations, solutions, and empowerment. How you want to envision your bed would depend on the state of your mind daily.

The Bible in Psalm 36 verse 4 tells us “He plots trouble while on his bed, he sets himself in a way that is not good, he does not reject evil’. And in the book of Micah 2 verses 1-2, “Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds. When the morning is light, they practice it because it is in the power of their hand. V2 “And they covet fields, and take them by violence, and houses, and take them away, so they oppress a man and his heritage”.

My brethren, all manners of battles and evil devices take place on the bed. God has ordained the bed as a place of rest, but the evil ones have turned it into a night gate warfare for many. The Bible in Genesis 31 verse 29 is the account of Laban and Jacob. This is a story a lot of us are familiar with. Laban told Jacob that because he ran away from him, he had the power to hurt Jacob in his hand, but the God of Jacob’s father told him to be careful about how he dealt with Jacob. What a powerful God we serve.

Brethren, where was the instruction given to Laban, it was on his bed, he stated “yesternight” probably he was sleeping, laying down somewhere. When you understand what happens at night in your bed, you do not go to bed carelessly, a lot of battles are fought on the bed because we have made our minds available, and we become targets for the enemy. The bed is a place for deep reflection, revelations, and instructions from God. Do not lose your sleep or peace over flimsy things; wake up agitated in the morning and beaten down without any instruction to guide your day.

My prayer for us today is that our beds will be a place of refreshment and solutions. May we wake up daily empowered and ready to fulfill our God-ordained purpose in Jesus Mighty name.

Prayer Point: Every evil that has been sown into my life while I slept, in the name that is above every other name, I command them to be uprooted. Every power that has been stolen from me while I slept, I command a restoration in Jesus name. Amen
