A Call To Prayer

Hello Brethren, in the next couple of weeks we shall be focusing on the need for us to ARISE and PRAY…. I know we’re all aware of this. The Bible speaking in the book of Exodus 5, King Pharaoh said, look the people of the land are now many, and brethren what did he do, he placed taskmasters over them. The enemy and his host will work tiredness to reduce, delay, frustrate, challenge, distract, bring doubt, sickness, and all manner of things in order for us not to fulfill purpose or reflect the God image.

Please join us this Saturday as we intentionally raise a voice of intercession for our family, church, spiritual leaders, nations, marriages, children, jobs, businesses and much more. And the God who answers PRAYERS shall arise for us in Jesus name.

Matthew 16:19 “ And I will give unto you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose in heaven shall be loosed on earth”

Brethren, that key is your PRAYER. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. (James 5:16).

Share and invite friends and family members. Thank you!

Jesus is Lord of ALL, Amen 🙏

Event Details

Organizer : Bridging The Gap Fellowship

Start Date : July 27,2024

End Date : July 27,2024

Time : 12 Noon MST

Event Venue