Prayer Meeting : The Covenanted Youth, A Generation That Must Not Fail

Hello beautiful people of God. The battles facing our youths now is very strong, but we declare that they are OVERCOMERS in Jesus name. While I was away for vacation recently, I spoke with two close WOG and our conversation was around the youths of this generation and how we must make sure that they must not fail or get lost. Brethren, our children cannot live in isolation and as intercessors, the Bible commands us in the Book of lamentation 2:19 “Arise, cry out in the night in the beginning of the watches pour out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord, lift up thine hands towards Him for the life of thy young children that faint for hunger in the top of every street.”

Brethren, coincidentally, my church is leading a Bible study on “Youthful and Useful” in this month. I pray in the name of Jesus that the grounds, and territories that is ahead of our youths shall not be destroyed by sin. Every ground the devil has gained over their lives is recovered back by the blood of the lamb in Jesus name.

Please join us this Friday, for our Night of Jubilee and Prayer Meeting as we boldly declare that our youths shall not fail, they are a generation that will love the Lord, and hate iniquity, a generation that will bless their parents, serve God and do exploit in Jesus name, amen. Jesus is Lord of ALL.
Shalom 🙏🙌🏼🙏

Event Details

Organizer : Bridging The Gap Fellowship

Start Date : June 14, 24

End Date : June 14, 24

Time : 7pm MST

Event Venue